Sunday, June 13, 2010

Adsense Code Convertol Tool

So how can I get around this and easily use ad code or any javascript inside my xml Blogger template? Introducing, the Blogger Ad Code Converter Tool  This simple tool will take any block of javascript or html code and replace the characters that Google Blogger ignores with the correct ones. Here’s a real life example. Say I want to put a Google AdSense 468 x 60 banner ad into the header of my blog but there’s no widget to use. You’d have to manually go into AdSense and create a new ad unit to get the code. Here’s the result:

Now if you just pasted that ad unit code directly into your Blogger header you’d get an error or it just wouldn’t work. Most people would think Blogger was broken or wonder if it’s something they did when in fact it’s neither. The new Blogger uses xml which is much more strict and requires certain reserved characters like > < or & to be converted into xhtml entities. Here’s what your ad code needs to look like in order to work properly:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-6044026340890176";
/* 468x60, created 3/17/08 */
google_ad_slot = "3105157606";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
<script type="text/javascript"

This only took me a few seconds to convert since I used the free and easy Blogger Ad Code Converter. There are actually posts out there that explain how to do this manually but who wants to take the time searching and replacing each character when you can convert unlimited sized ad code blocks with only one click?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Using Adsense With Micro Niches Sites

One of my main earners through adsense is MNS (Micro Niche Sites) which are mini sites focused on a few keywords. I have a lot of these sites and once promoted and ranked they bring consistent income on autopilot. Below I will outline the basic steps I take to building these sites, and will answer any questions you have in this thread.

1. Pick a product Keyword
- I use product keywords because you get a higher Earning per click in adsense when you target these types of “buyer keywords”
- Another reason I use them is because it is easy to write a product review
- Eg “Volleyball Techniques”

2. Find 2 other related Long tail keyword
- I then try to find 2 other keywords that have my original keyword in it but also have a brand
- Eg. If my keyword was “Volleyball Techniques” I would use “Volleyball Techniques”

3. Research Competition and CPC
- I go to the google keyword tool listed here and check out the CPC of all of my keywords
- I try to target only keywords with a CPC of $1 or more
- I put my keyword into google and get the top 10 results
- I take all 10 Urls and put them into yahoo site explorer to see how many backlinks they have
- If out of the top 10 most have more than 100 backlinks I will find new keywords

4. Use a simple and Clean Theme
I use a very simple and clean theme that has a good Click through rate
- An example of a good theme is here
5. Write about 400 words of content on your product
- I write about 400 words of content about each keyword on separate pages
- If your wondering what to write about why not write it in a product review fashion?

6. Build 30 backlinks each week to each page until you are ranked
- I write articles about my products and submit to ezine, do blog commenting, and social bookmark.

7. Add Adsense once you are ranked

- I wait until I am ranked to add adsense so I get a higher payout

8. Rinse and Repeat X 30 = 100/day

9. My favorite step – Enjoy the Profits!

Top 15 Mozilla Firefox Adds On For Seo

Google Tooltbar :Google Toolbar is no longer updated on Mozilla Add-ons. To download the latest version.

Seo Quake :Seoquake is a Mozilla Firefox SEO extension aimed primarily at helping web masters who deal with search engine optimization(SEO) and internet promotion of web sites. Seoquake allows to obtain and investigate many important SEO parameters of the internet

Cyber Search :Adds advanced Google Search capabilities to the Firefox 3 address bar. Supercharge the "Awesome Bar" with instant search results that appear as you type!

Skip Screen : Skips unnecessary pages on sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, zShare, Mediafire, and more. Try it out,

DownThem All : DownThemAll is fast, reliable and easy-to-use! It lets you download all the links or images contained in a webpage and much more: you can refine your downloads by fully customizable criteria to get only what you really want!

Easy Comment :  Automatically fill out Blog Comment Forms. If you're into the blogosphere, this is a must have!

Multi Links : Multi Links lets you open, copy or bookmark multiple links at the same time rather than having to do them all individually.

Grease Monkey : Allows you to customize the way a webpage displays using small bits of JavaScript. ...

Search Preview : The extension previously known as GooglePreview. Inserts preview images (thumbnails) and popularity ranks of web sites into the Google, Yahoo and Bing search results pages.

Video Download Helper : The easy way to download and convert Web videos from hundreds of YouTube-like sites.This works also for audio and picture galleries.

Share Holic : Shareaholic is the easiest way to share interesting webpages using Facebook, Twitter, Email, Gmail, Reader, Bookmarks, Buzz, Evernote,, and more... Works with 100+ services. This is the ultimate tool for the link sharing addict.

WOT : Would you like to know which websites you can trust? The WOT add-on is a safe surfing tool for your browser. Traffic-light rating symbols show which websites you can trust when you search, shop and surf on the Web.

Stumbleupon : StumbleUpon helps you discover great websites that match your interests. Simply click the Stumble button and see the best websites. There are over 500 topics to choose from, and, the more you use it, the better your recommendations become!

Flagfox : Displays a country flag depicting the location of the current website's server and provides a multitude of tools such as site safety checks, whois, translation, similar sites, validation, URL shortening, and more.

Similar Web  :Instant access to the best sites related to the one you are browsing! Vote if sites are similar or not and personalize your results. Get related articles and live web comments for any site. Easily share sites with friends through Facebook or Twitter.

Top 15 Wordpress Templates


Vistalicious is a clean WordPress theme with two columns and a green flavored background. It is advertising ready, comes with an “About” section on the header and with a custom made image for the RSS feed.

vistalicious wordpress theme


DeepBlue is an elegant, two column WordPress theme. It is advertising ready, and it comes with several advanced featured, including Feedburner integration, author comment styling and search engine optimization.

deepblue wp theme


StudioPress is a clean, AdSense-ready WordPress theme. It supports widgets and it comes with alternate comments styling and a customizable “Welcome” section on the sidebar.


StudioPress Green

StudioPress is a clean, AdSense-ready WordPress theme. It supports widgets and it comes with alternate comments styling and a customizable “Welcome” section on the sidebar.

studiopress green

StudioPress Orange

StudioPress is a clean, AdSense-ready WordPress theme. It supports widgets and it comes with alternate comments styling and a customizable “Welcome” section on the sidebar.


StudioPress Red

StudioPress is a clean, AdSense-ready WordPress theme. It supports widgets and it comes with alternate comments styling and a customizable “Welcome” section on the sidebar.

red theme


Among all our WordPress themes, Corpvox is one of the cleanest. It is ideal for bloggers that don’t want to clutter their site, while letting the user focus on the content. It comes with Gravatars support.



Decker is a traditional looking WordPress theme, with two columns and a 300×250 AdSense unit integrated on top of the sidebar. It comes with a sectioned footer where you can place your links, blogroll and so on.

decker theme


DarkZen comes with a dark header and a gray background, packed on a minimalist design. It is advertising ready, and it already comes with social bookmarking icons integrated.

darkzen for wordpress


BlueSensation is a clean and live WordPress theme. It has a large content column on the left, and a single sidebar, which already comes with 125×125 advertising spots.

blue wordpress theme


Daily32 is a sharp looking WordPress theme with three sub-headers and three sub-footer sections to accomodate all your links and special content. It is advertising ready and it comes with Feedburner integration. On the download you will also find the PSD file and necessary fonts to change the header image.

daily32 theme

PassionDuo Red

The PassionDuo theme has a clean style, rounded corners, space for advertising and a lot of room for your content. It is advertising ready and it comes with Feedburner integration and comments styling.

passiondue red theme

PassionDuo Blue

The PassionDuo theme has a clean style, rounded corners, space for advertising and a lot of room for your content. It is advertising ready and it comes with Feedburner integration and comments styling.

wordpress passionduo theme

PassionDuo Green

The PassionDuo theme has a clean style, rounded corners, space for advertising and a lot of room for your content. It is advertising ready and it comes with Feedburner integration and comments styling.

passionduo green


SubtleZen is a minimalist WordPress theme with a calm background and subtle titles and headlines. It is ideal for bloggers looking for a simple layout which lets the visitors focus on the content.

subtle zen wordpress theme


GreenTech is a classic WordPress theme, with a cream background and details in brown and green. It is advertising ready, supports widgets and it comes with author comments and Feedburner integration

green tech

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